Habits, Routines and Feeling Normal

It has been two weeks since my life disruption, and thankfully today is my youngest son’s birthday – something to celebrate.  This ritual of birthday celebration is something that impacts us on various levels, including our sense of “normalcy.”  Having something familiar, recurring milestones, help us to demarcate time and get a sense of progress. Continue reading “Habits, Routines and Feeling Normal”

Knowledge Management, Training and Transitions

It has been a full two weeks since I taught Reporting Services in LA, and happy to report I got perfect scores from my students.  It was a small class, and we got to talk about how to apply these new features and services in their environment.  Thanks to my students who were so wonderfully receptive, itContinue reading “Knowledge Management, Training and Transitions”

Review Assess Forecast

Autumn is upon us, daylight savings time is over, and retailers are stocking Christmas items for one last sales drive before the end of the calendar year.  As the countdown begins, take stock of where you are at 1/2 way thru this 4th Quarter.  Are you aligned with goals?  On track to finish the year asContinue reading “Review Assess Forecast”


It has been a few weeks since I posted last, sorry, quiet time is so very valuable.  This is the time of the year to slow down, catch your breath and envision your next year.  How old will you be?  Are you where you thought you would be?  Did you accomplish your goals for last/previousContinue reading “Relax-Breathe-Envision”