Dell, Windows and the Journey Continues

Okay, so the new laptop was a breeze to setup – after suffering through #Microsoft’s evolution of how to install systems software for many years, finally, a nice interface and reasonable wait times.  And #Dell made it especially easy with the way the machine was configured, packaged and shipped.  It arrived promptly and exactly as spec’d,Continue reading “Dell, Windows and the Journey Continues”

Communication, Community and Collaboration

It’s the first quiet morning in a long time, I am savoring not having to rush to get out the door.  The birds are chattering outside my window, and I can’t help but wonder what they are talking about.  I can discern distinct conversations back and forth.  Some are patterns, others have more nuance, butContinue reading “Communication, Community and Collaboration”

SharePoint 2013 “Feature” – Connect to Outlook Greyed Out

I have been frustrated this morning trying to set up a new site, and wanted to connect the contact list, calendar, etc to Outlook. Wow, I can’t believe the fix is so easy, but “MS knows best” and doesn’t even warn you about the weird behavior. This blog post explains it all…Connect to Outlook greyedContinue reading “SharePoint 2013 “Feature” – Connect to Outlook Greyed Out”

New Year New Fitness

With the end of another year I once again failed to achieve my fitness goals.  I find these the most difficult goals to achieve because I don’t currently have workout habits, and when presented with a choice between activities, the exercise will suffer. I always thought I had enough future to worry about it later, but IContinue reading “New Year New Fitness”

December 23, 2013

It is mid-December and warm enough that I can sit here by an open window and listen to the birds chattering about the mild rain.  The squirrels scamper like it is indian summer, busily searching for that last acorn.  It is grey, the only indication of dawn is the streetlights going out.  Water drips slowlyContinue reading “December 23, 2013”

Are You Ready for April IPR?

I am all caught up in March Madness, and just for a minute I took my eye off the target while I followed the dwindling of the brackets. Then I realized, I have 8 days to prepare for my 1st Quarter In Progress Review (IPR). Whew, I better get busy! One of the things IContinue reading “Are You Ready for April IPR?”

Planning for Achievement

Mid-January – 2013 is firmly here.  Now is the time to plant your seeds for 2013, ensure success by taking the time to write down your goals.  Visualize the outcome, see it clearly in your mind.  What do you want to achieve this year?  If you need more help in this area, visit Franklin Covey.Continue reading “Planning for Achievement”

SharePoint and Information Architecture

I love SharePoint, maybe not as much as some, but it is on my top 5 list of favorites.  My mission has always been to get organizations to better utilize the information they monitor or collect.  In order to achieve that mission, an information backbone is needed – and SharePoint is exceptionally good at beingContinue reading “SharePoint and Information Architecture”