Visualization and Goal Achievement

I retired right before the pandemic, and have been contemplating what to do with myself – I need a new purpose. The Olympics were very inspiring, it always makes me appreciate the training that goes into that kind of performance. Any kind of performance takes work, whether it’s musical, educational, business or entertainment.  Visualization isContinue reading “Visualization and Goal Achievement”

Graphic Digital Design and Entrepreneurs

I have working on a blue water project that involves a lot of new technologies and opens up a new means of communication with audiences.  I stumbled upon a great website ( and found a quote that is very inspiring, I bolded what impressed me: EGD (Environmental Graphic Design) IN AN XGD WORLD If theyContinue reading “Graphic Digital Design and Entrepreneurs”

Dell, Windows and the Journey Continues

Okay, so the new laptop was a breeze to setup – after suffering through #Microsoft’s evolution of how to install systems software for many years, finally, a nice interface and reasonable wait times.  And #Dell made it especially easy with the way the machine was configured, packaged and shipped.  It arrived promptly and exactly as spec’d,Continue reading “Dell, Windows and the Journey Continues”

Planning for Achievement

Mid-January – 2013 is firmly here.  Now is the time to plant your seeds for 2013, ensure success by taking the time to write down your goals.  Visualize the outcome, see it clearly in your mind.  What do you want to achieve this year?  If you need more help in this area, visit Franklin Covey.Continue reading “Planning for Achievement”

Power View for Everyone!

Happy New Year!  I had a great session at SharePoint Saturday Virginia Beach yesterday, extolling the cool new features of Excel 2013/SQL Reporting Services 2012 called Power View. Download the deck: PowerViewReporting. Sean Boon, Sr. Product Manager @Microsoft in the BI Group, did a great series of blog posts using Power View to show Olympic insights.  He providedContinue reading “Power View for Everyone!”


It has been a few weeks since I posted last, sorry, quiet time is so very valuable.  This is the time of the year to slow down, catch your breath and envision your next year.  How old will you be?  Are you where you thought you would be?  Did you accomplish your goals for last/previousContinue reading “Relax-Breathe-Envision”

Vision, Learning and Strategy Maps

I have been doing a lot of studying lately, it’s funny that the uptick always seems to coincide with the new academic year.  I guess I will always be an academic at heart – I love learning, classes, students, research, sharing.  I have worked for two universities, and I hope someday to return as aContinue reading “Vision, Learning and Strategy Maps”

Football Business Intelligence

A single, golden leaf floats gracefully to the ground.  I noticed the growing  accumulation under the trees on the back fence line. Soon the front yard will be overrun with autumnal cast-offs.  Mostly scarlet, with an orange and gold thrown in for punctuation.  I love the eye candy of autumn, it inspires me to try and seeContinue reading “Football Business Intelligence”