Happy New Year, Let’s Start With A Plan

I have always been a dreamer, I like to contemplate my future in different scenarios. I remember my 3rd grade teacher wrote on my report card, “Daydreams in class, could do better.” I took the advice to “do better” seriously, and have been a lifelong learner. The daydreaming though, I could never give up (ThankContinue reading “Happy New Year, Let’s Start With A Plan”

Becoming an Expatriate

I am starting a new chapter, so let me start with the Bottom Line Up Front (or BLUF in military parlance). My intention is to move from the USA to a small island in the Atlantic Ocean called  São Miguel, which is part of the Portugal’s Autonomous Region of the Azores. I have numerous reasonsContinue reading “Becoming an Expatriate”

Risk Assessment in the face of virus pandemic

I have been a project manager for many years, and risk assessment is always a challenge because it requires speculation about an unknown future state or alternate scenarios that depend on some “factors”. I have never had to assess for what to do in case of widespread infection before. Truly scary times! I keep hearingContinue reading “Risk Assessment in the face of virus pandemic”

Habits, Routines and Feeling Normal

It has been two weeks since my life disruption, and thankfully today is my youngest son’s birthday – something to celebrate.  This ritual of birthday celebration is something that impacts us on various levels, including our sense of “normalcy.”  Having something familiar, recurring milestones, help us to demarcate time and get a sense of progress. Continue reading “Habits, Routines and Feeling Normal”

Events and Lessons Learned

Hi folks.  IES participated in a great event, ICE on the Beach in August at the Virginia Beach oceanfront, culminating in CRYPTO757 and VC757.  It was great, grueling, rewarding, depressing, informative and fun.  The execution of the event was like clockwork – our challenge, attendance.  We had great speakers, an okay venue, and provided food.Continue reading “Events and Lessons Learned”

Training Learning Training, the Time Dimension

I am again in the middle of a cycle of change.  I have chosen a new path, one with no safety net.  Many of my friends think I am daft, but I keep thinking if I don’t do it now, when?  When will I ever find the courage again? When will I ever have this opportunityContinue reading “Training Learning Training, the Time Dimension”

Change Management and Version Fatigue

An administrative note before my post – I noticed in my last post that two additional words had hyperlinks, and they were ads.  I apologize for WordPress.  I try to use hyperlinks judiciously and provide links to relevant, supporting content – NOT ADVERTISING. Apparently, WordPress has decided to use a new revenue source and I have noContinue reading “Change Management and Version Fatigue”

Review Assess Forecast

Autumn is upon us, daylight savings time is over, and retailers are stocking Christmas items for one last sales drive before the end of the calendar year.  As the countdown begins, take stock of where you are at 1/2 way thru this 4th Quarter.  Are you aligned with goals?  On track to finish the year asContinue reading “Review Assess Forecast”

First Quarter Assessment and Adjustment

I just returned from two full weeks of travel, and am happy to be home.  It has been raining all day, just like Seattle!  Now to catch up on the first quarter review and assessment (or R&A to my military friends). If you are a 7 Habits practitioner, then you probably set goals in mostContinue reading “First Quarter Assessment and Adjustment”