Happy New Year, Let’s Start With A Plan

I have always been a dreamer, I like to contemplate my future in different scenarios. I remember my 3rd grade teacher wrote on my report card, “Daydreams in class, could do better.” I took the advice to “do better” seriously, and have been a lifelong learner. The daydreaming though, I could never give up (ThankContinue reading “Happy New Year, Let’s Start With A Plan”

Contemplation on a rainy day

It’s grey and damp, not unusual for a January day in Virginia. Better off than the poor souls being battered by ice, snow and tornados. The house is quiet with only a lone siren in the distance, interrupted by the train whistle. And then, quiet again, perfect time for some Q3 Important but not urgentContinue reading “Contemplation on a rainy day”

Hurricane Matthew and Politics

With the 54th Annual CE East Coast Surfing Championship over and in the books, and the crazy storm swirling around outside, I can finally take time to more fully analyze some of the political angst that is going on right now.  Every four years, the Media gets to hijack the conversation and barrage the public withContinue reading “Hurricane Matthew and Politics”

Vision and motivation

I read an interesting article in the Tennessean Newspaper that my husband brought back from Nashville. I always do the puzzles, but I scanned the business section and found, “Vision will help pave the way for motivation,” by Rory Vaden (www.roryvadenblog.com). “Our ability to be disciplined is directly proportional to the clarity of our vision.”Continue reading “Vision and motivation”

Habits, Routines and Feeling Normal

It has been two weeks since my life disruption, and thankfully today is my youngest son’s birthday – something to celebrate.  This ritual of birthday celebration is something that impacts us on various levels, including our sense of “normalcy.”  Having something familiar, recurring milestones, help us to demarcate time and get a sense of progress. Continue reading “Habits, Routines and Feeling Normal”

Courage, Determination and Gratitude

This is a renewal holiday for me, sad and inspiring all rolled together.  I think of all the people I have loved and are now gone, only memories.  Enormous gratitude to Charles Glenn Wilcox Jr, Arlene Ione Hawkinson Smith Wilcox, Walter Philip Smith, Veronica Harrington Hawkinson Smith, Flossie Matheny Wilcox Stringham, Grandpa Stringham, Grandma and Grandpa Jayne,Continue reading “Courage, Determination and Gratitude”

Snow Day

What a beautiful scene this morning, a white blanket with few tracks.  Like the new entrepreneurial path I am on – unforged and awaiting exploration.  There is something very exciting about exploration which explains my addiction to Star Trek (TNG).  Even now when I see the reruns, I wish I were a crew member.  The undiscovered, that isContinue reading “Snow Day”