SharePoint 2013 “Feature” – Connect to Outlook Greyed Out

I have been frustrated this morning trying to set up a new site, and wanted to connect the contact list, calendar, etc to Outlook. Wow, I can’t believe the fix is so easy, but “MS knows best” and doesn’t even warn you about the weird behavior. This blog post explains it all…Connect to Outlook greyedContinue reading “SharePoint 2013 “Feature” – Connect to Outlook Greyed Out”

December 23, 2013

It is mid-December and warm enough that I can sit here by an open window and listen to the birds chattering about the mild rain.  The squirrels scamper like it is indian summer, busily searching for that last acorn.  It is grey, the only indication of dawn is the streetlights going out.  Water drips slowlyContinue reading “December 23, 2013”

links to Office Web Apps-O365 Updates

Just a quick post with some links to articles on new features and improvements in Office Web Apps –

Training Learning Training, the Time Dimension

I am again in the middle of a cycle of change.  I have chosen a new path, one with no safety net.  Many of my friends think I am daft, but I keep thinking if I don’t do it now, when?  When will I ever find the courage again? When will I ever have this opportunityContinue reading “Training Learning Training, the Time Dimension”

Autumnal Equinox – Season of Learning

I woke to the wind chimes and a cool breeze stirring my imagination.  I believe I felt the end of summer, which has always signaled (for me, anyways) the beginning of the season of learning.  It started when I was at Jackson High School and then at Michigan State, which has one of the mostContinue reading “Autumnal Equinox – Season of Learning”

Football and puzzles

I love puzzles – Sudoku, crosswords, jigsaw, word games.  I see fantasy football as just another puzzle – what can you do to maximize your points with the players available?  Because of this, I let my husband talk me into having two teams this year, I’m sure I will regret it later! So I prepped,Continue reading “Football and puzzles”

Change Management and Version Fatigue

An administrative note before my post – I noticed in my last post that two additional words had hyperlinks, and they were ads.  I apologize for WordPress.  I try to use hyperlinks judiciously and provide links to relevant, supporting content – NOT ADVERTISING. Apparently, WordPress has decided to use a new revenue source and I have noContinue reading “Change Management and Version Fatigue”