The Metaverse Continued…

An article in The New Yorker caught my eye and kept me thinking about the #metaverse. As I was pondering what the writer was saying about Facebook’s strategies and positioning, it made me imagine a virtual war between consumers and companies inside the metaverse. Are individual governments obsolete in the virtual world? How will weContinue reading “The Metaverse Continued…”

Hurricane Matthew and Politics

With the 54th Annual CE East Coast Surfing Championship over and in the books, and the crazy storm swirling around outside, I can finally take time to more fully analyze some of the political angst that is going on right now.  Every four years, the Media gets to hijack the conversation and barrage the public withContinue reading “Hurricane Matthew and Politics”

Personal Ecosystem and Larger Systems

My gift is the ability to see things from many perspectives and many levels of aggregation, from atomic to celestial. Being an entrepreneur is a real challenge as I am use to “corporate” information systems and business processes, and now it is all on me. It is all about the trade-offs between cost and functionality, scalability,Continue reading “Personal Ecosystem and Larger Systems”

Graphic Digital Design and Entrepreneurs

I have working on a blue water project that involves a lot of new technologies and opens up a new means of communication with audiences.  I stumbled upon a great website ( and found a quote that is very inspiring, I bolded what impressed me: EGD (Environmental Graphic Design) IN AN XGD WORLD If theyContinue reading “Graphic Digital Design and Entrepreneurs”