Screenshots on the Dell Win8 Tablet

I figured out how to take a screenshot on my Dell Win8 Pro tablet – hold down the Volume down button and push the auto rotate button.  Voila!  Yeah, that was really intuitive, huh.  I tried every key combination I could think of with no luck, then I found an app that had the trickContinue reading “Screenshots on the Dell Win8 Tablet”

SharePoint and Information Architecture

I love SharePoint, maybe not as much as some, but it is on my top 5 list of favorites.  My mission has always been to get organizations to better utilize the information they monitor or collect.  In order to achieve that mission, an information backbone is needed – and SharePoint is exceptionally good at beingContinue reading “SharePoint and Information Architecture”

SharePoint resources and a good book

Sorry, when I get too busy, my blog suffers.  Here are some great resources for SharePoint, in addition to my previous post. Search – Fast vs ShaerPoint SoftFluent Planning for Content Management  Joel Oleson Blog (SharePointJoel) on Ghosting/unghosting MSDN article on Page Design And the good book – David Sibbet,Continue reading “SharePoint resources and a good book”

Vision, Learning and Strategy Maps

I have been doing a lot of studying lately, it’s funny that the uptick always seems to coincide with the new academic year.  I guess I will always be an academic at heart – I love learning, classes, students, research, sharing.  I have worked for two universities, and I hope someday to return as aContinue reading “Vision, Learning and Strategy Maps”