Becoming an Expatriate

I am starting a new chapter, so let me start with the Bottom Line Up Front (or BLUF in military parlance). My intention is to move from the USA to a small island in the Atlantic Ocean called  São Miguel, which is part of the Portugal’s Autonomous Region of the Azores.

I have numerous reasons for wanting to move there, but no matter the reason, there is a process one must go through to make such a move. There are so many more aspects to consider than just a move across town. Come on this journey with me as I explore the mental, physical and digital considerations of becoming an Expatriate.

Steps for Planning Major Move

So, true to my nature, here is the approach I will take, while always keeping the end in mind (Thank you Steven Covey).

Make a decision – it sounds easier than it is. So many factor go into this very personal step. Once the decision is made, you MUST Set a Clear Goal. This is essential – it must be so clear that you can see it. See my previous posts about visualization. Now, you must understand the context which you currently live in and what you will be moving to.

Consider what must change – this will be affected by the configuration of your family. Once you have identified all important factors, Make A Plan. A WRITTEN Plan. See why this is important.

The journey has begun. First step is my upcoming trip at the end of October. More later. Please leave me a comment if there is a specific topic you are interested in.



Published by Tee Dubs

I am a retired information geek, now following topics of interest - The Metaverse, AI, Drones, Intellectual property.

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