Internet of Things is an Imminent Tsunami

As you know, I have been following this IOT trend for several years now, and Statista just published a chart that describes the opportunities at hand – 2020 – that is only 5 years.  Consider the adoption curve of smart phones, and apply that to Internet connected devices.  Wow.  The exciting part is the businessContinue reading “Internet of Things is an Imminent Tsunami”

Dell, Windows and the Journey Continues

Okay, so the new laptop was a breeze to setup – after suffering through #Microsoft’s evolution of how to install systems software for many years, finally, a nice interface and reasonable wait times.  And #Dell made it especially easy with the way the machine was configured, packaged and shipped.  It arrived promptly and exactly as spec’d,Continue reading “Dell, Windows and the Journey Continues”

Events and Lessons Learned

Hi folks.  IES participated in a great event, ICE on the Beach in August at the Virginia Beach oceanfront, culminating in CRYPTO757 and VC757.  It was great, grueling, rewarding, depressing, informative and fun.  The execution of the event was like clockwork – our challenge, attendance.  We had great speakers, an okay venue, and provided food.Continue reading “Events and Lessons Learned”

Mobility, Web UI and Ottawa

I ran across a great article Designing a Website for 2014 that made me think about information delivery in this mobile age.  He was targeting public websites, but I am thinking from a reporting and BI point of view.  Here is a synopsis of the techniques Steve Cooper mentions: Optimize content for smaller screens and mobileContinue reading “Mobility, Web UI and Ottawa”

Training Learning Training, the Time Dimension

I am again in the middle of a cycle of change.  I have chosen a new path, one with no safety net.  Many of my friends think I am daft, but I keep thinking if I don’t do it now, when?  When will I ever find the courage again? When will I ever have this opportunityContinue reading “Training Learning Training, the Time Dimension”

Autumnal Equinox – Season of Learning

I woke to the wind chimes and a cool breeze stirring my imagination.  I believe I felt the end of summer, which has always signaled (for me, anyways) the beginning of the season of learning.  It started when I was at Jackson High School and then at Michigan State, which has one of the mostContinue reading “Autumnal Equinox – Season of Learning”

Change Management and Version Fatigue

An administrative note before my post – I noticed in my last post that two additional words had hyperlinks, and they were ads.  I apologize for WordPress.  I try to use hyperlinks judiciously and provide links to relevant, supporting content – NOT ADVERTISING. Apparently, WordPress has decided to use a new revenue source and I have noContinue reading “Change Management and Version Fatigue”

Knowledge Management, Training and Transitions

It has been a full two weeks since I taught Reporting Services in LA, and happy to report I got perfect scores from my students.  It was a small class, and we got to talk about how to apply these new features and services in their environment.  Thanks to my students who were so wonderfully receptive, itContinue reading “Knowledge Management, Training and Transitions”

Sharpen the Saw to Get Your Mojo Back

I have been in a slump lately, writing-wise.  One thing I noticed was that I had cut out all the dedicated time I had set aside for this Quad 2 activity.  I ceased to make it a habit to write.  The other problem was feeling uninspired.  That I know how to deal with – learn somethingContinue reading “Sharpen the Saw to Get Your Mojo Back”