Week One With My New Windows 8 Tablet

Well, it was late, late, late but Christmas finally came when my new Dell Win8 Pro tablet arrived.  I have been downloading apps, and getting used to it.  I’ve had Win8 on my laptop since November, but without the touch interface I hardly ever use the “App” side. I had an iPad for a while, andContinue reading “Week One With My New Windows 8 Tablet”

Personal Ecosystem for Action and Decision Making

I haven’t been writing for a few weeks because of time constraints and technical problems within my personal ecosystem.  I used to read a personal coaching newsletter by Philip Humbert, PhD about productivity and he laid out the principles of a good personal ecosystem (http://www.philiphumbert.com/Eco-System.htm).  Being a techie, I find life harder when the technology componentContinue reading “Personal Ecosystem for Action and Decision Making”

SharePoint Saturday The Conference DC – Best SharePoint Geekfest!

I spoke at SharePoint Saturday, The Conference DC last Friday, and had a very good, interactive session.  I love the audience questions, make me think of new uses for our favorite platform!  Anyway, if you were in my session, thanks!  Here is a link to download the slides.  I have unlayered the screenshots and addedContinue reading “SharePoint Saturday The Conference DC – Best SharePoint Geekfest!”

Links to SharePoint 2010 Resources

I had a great Learning Tree class last week in Alexandria, and promised my students a post with some of my favorite SharePoint 2010 resources. There are over 2 million hits when googling SharePoint webinars, so here is a narrower list of my favorites – Critical Path – Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell and crew  http://www.criticalpathtraining.com/Schedule/Webcasts/Pages/default.aspxContinue reading “Links to SharePoint 2010 Resources”

Gadgets and Cloud Computing

It is amazing how dependent we have become on our personal computing devicecs. My laptop has died, so I find myself writing this on paper, something I haven’t done since the book. Writing on paper is a different experience than writing electronically. For some reason I feel compelled to not take the same informal shortcutsContinue reading “Gadgets and Cloud Computing”

SharePoint2010 in a Virtual Machine

I feel like my blogging schedule hasn’t worked itself out yet.  I was intending to post 2-3 times a week, and I am lucky to be writing twice a month.  Pathetic.  And I call myself a writer.  I do enjoy the writing part of this adventure, but I am still struggling to figure out what isContinue reading “SharePoint2010 in a Virtual Machine”

Brave New World

It is a new year and a brave new BI world out there.  In listening to all the political hoopla during this holiday season, I was struck by how some our political infrastructure could use a technology overhaul.  And I don’t mean just paving the cowpaths and adding technology to our broken processes.  How aboutContinue reading “Brave New World”

Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference

Well, I’m here at the inaugural Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference, and so far it has been very exciting.  Lots of product demos, lots of announcements – like their acquisition of Soft Artisan, and some previews of the next version of SQL Server, code named KATMAI.  The audience is a very multi-cultural mix of managers andContinue reading “Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference”