Seasonal Growth

It’s quiet this morning, I can hear the clock ticking.  Yesterday the wind chimes were playing a lamenting aria, slow and steady, then loud and frantic amongst the bird chirping and buzz of lawnmowers.  This week has reminded me that balance is a principle taught by nature. For every Yin there is Yang. For every challengeContinue reading “Seasonal Growth”

Personal Ecosystem and Larger Systems

My gift is the ability to see things from many perspectives and many levels of aggregation, from atomic to celestial. Being an entrepreneur is a real challenge as I am use to “corporate” information systems and business processes, and now it is all on me. It is all about the trade-offs between cost and functionality, scalability,Continue reading “Personal Ecosystem and Larger Systems”

Sharpen the Saw to Get Your Mojo Back

I have been in a slump lately, writing-wise.  One thing I noticed was that I had cut out all the dedicated time I had set aside for this Quad 2 activity.  I ceased to make it a habit to write.  The other problem was feeling uninspired.  That I know how to deal with – learn somethingContinue reading “Sharpen the Saw to Get Your Mojo Back”