6 Questions for Carol – How to Get Started!

6 Questions for Carol Argo

  1. What is the one thing I can do to improve my overall fitness?

Walking is the easiest , most effective & convenient health habits you can  easily integrate into your day.   Commit to a 20 minute brisk walk everyday.  Gradually increase your pace to that which would simulate being in a hurry and likewise gradually slow down towards the end. 

2.  As someone who has not had a workout routine, how should I approach this fitness journey?

Decide what time of day is best for you.  Put it in your planner just like all of your other appointments. 

3.    Should I do exactly the same thing every day or vary my schedule?

Best to vary the activities.  It’s safer, more effective because you’re working different muscles groups and can prevent boredom.  Think of mixing up cardio with strength and flexibility.  Example:  Walking + Aqua Exercise + Yoga

4.   Are certain activities better at different times of the day?

Cardio exercises are best performed in the morning or afternoon. Elevation of heart rate in the evening could interfere with sleep. Body temperature is more elevated in the afternoon so morning exercisers require more warm up.  Relaxing yoga stretching in the evening may help sleep. 

5.    How long until I notice results?

You will feel better very soon after beginning your program.  Weight loss, muscle tone, improved endurance take longer, 4 – 6 weeks.  This will vary with each individual.

What will I notice first?   Increase in energy and well-being.

6.    What can I tell myself to jumpstart activity when I procrastinate or avoid working out?

Affirmations and setting intentions can be powerful.

“I deserve to be healthy and strong and feel my very best.  Exercise will keep me youthful and give me the energy to do everything that I want to do.” 

Published by Tee Dubs

I am a retired information geek, now following topics of interest - The Metaverse, AI, Drones, Intellectual property.

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